Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of procedures that promote the rejuvenation of tissues and the body as a whole. Women successfully use many of these procedures at home. These are all types of superficial peelings, masks, creams, as well as exposure to contrasting temperatures (steam baths, ice massages, contrast washes). In a beauty salon, all these procedures are performed by professional cosmetologists using modern and effective products. Among the procedures that cannot be used at home, injections (for example, botulinum toxin), mesotherapy and gold thread implantation are very popular.
Botulinum toxin
Botulinum toxin is a drug derived from paralyzing substances and causes temporary atrophy of terminal nerve endings. This allows you to eliminate small wrinkles under the eyes, on the temples and in the upper lip area. The drug, injected into certain areas, causes the smoothing of facial wrinkles, especially on the forehead and around the eyes.
One to two weeks after the injection, muscle motor activity weakens. The injections must be repeated every three or four months. It is recommended to contact a cosmetologist again after the patient notices a resumption of muscle activity. For a lasting effect, three sessions per year are necessary.
Mesotherapy is a method that involves the introduction of biologically active and tonic substances into the skin using a special syringe gun. They improve skin nutrition, restore collagen fibers and accelerate regenerative processes. For facial skin care, an extract from embryonic tissue is recommended. It is this extract that restores the regenerating functions of the skin. Useful for the body are extracts of various plants, for example artichoke, grapefruit, ginkgo, which help get rid of cellulite. To achieve a positive result, a course of 6-8 sessions is carried out in 1-1. 5 months.
Chemical peeling
You can also improve the appearance of your skinchemical peeling. With the help of some preparations, most often vegetable (fruit) acids, the most superficial layer of the skin is removed: dry, dead cells with altered pigmentation. In addition to stimulating the appearance of a new layer of skin, fruit acids are good antioxidants that protect the skin from damage from ultraviolet rays. Chemical peeling is divided into:surface,medianANDdeep- this division is mainly due to the use of various acids. Superficial and medium peels are performed on an outpatient basis and require virtually no preparation or rehabilitation. Superficial peeling can be done once every two weeks, medium peeling - with a break of several months. It is not recommended to carry out deep peeling more than once a year and only in hospital. In the first ten days after the procedure, the skin swells and, as a rule, becomes covered with a crust. However, after the rehabilitation period, the patient also gets rid of deep wrinkles, and the effect on the entire face is comparable to the traditional surgical facelift.
Another effective and at the same time not very traumatic procedure isphotorejuvenation. During this, the surface layer of the skin is not broken. The light source simply heats the desired skin area to 50°C. The impact occurs at a strictly defined depth: this is achieved by using light with different wavelengths. Using this technique, it is possible to remove age spots, damage to small skin vessels, enlarged pores and collagen defects, including wrinkles. This procedure, depending on the complexity, takes from several minutes to an hour. Dilated capillaries are removed immediately and without leaving a trace, large vessels and pigmentary spots disappear within a few days of the session. Redness and mild swelling of the skin may also occur, lasting for several hours. Depending on the problem, the cosmetologist prescribes the required number of sessions.
One of the most effective anti-aging procedures isskin resurfacing (dermabrasion).A laser beam or fine abrasive removes the dead surface layer of the skin, in its place young cells and new elastic and collagen fibers appear. Mechanical resurfacing is now used less and less, because with the help of laser it is possible not only to "replace" the upper layer of the skin, but also to eliminate scars, acne effects or deep wrinkles. This procedure is very effective, but in complexity it approaches plastic surgery. Laser resurfacing, as a rule, is performed in a surgical hospital, after which there is a fairly long rehabilitation period - from one and a half to two months.
Gold threads
The implantation of gold threads is an ancient method of preserving youth, known since the times of the Egyptian pyramids. Its essence lies in the implantation of threads that form a kind of frame that does not allow the skin to sag under the influence of gravity. After the operation, patients notice an improvement in the elasticity of the facial tissues and appear refreshed and rejuvenated.
Some problems: soft tissue swelling, small hematomas disappear over time. But you get an effect that is appreciated over time. The skin appears preserved and the patient who underwent the operation appears at least five years younger than her peers. Gold thread implantation is a procedure that prevents aging. Therefore, the optimal age for the first operation can be considered 30-35 years.
Stamina cells
At the end of the 19th century, expensive methods were developed to rejuvenate the body using stem cells. Now they have become a reality. After receiving an intravenous injection of a stem cell culture and an intramuscular injection of signaling molecules, a person acquires a completely new quality of life. Diseases regress, general tone and memory improve, libido and potency increase.
The appearance undergoes fantastic changes. Without regular tedious procedures, without operations, a person becomes younger before the eyes of amazed relatives and colleagues. Such dramatic changes cannot be achieved by other methods. Not only the appearance is involved in the rejuvenation process, the organs become younger, hormone levels increase and the body starts producing young, viable cells again. Unfortunately, these methods are used by a limited number of highly professional cosmetology clinics with state-of-the-art laboratories. It is worth adding that the cost of this procedure is accessible to very few.